Carl Helvie was diagnosed with lung cancer in 1974 and given just six months to live – if he treated his cancer with surgery and chemotherapy. As a registered nurse with two masters’ degrees and a doctorate in public health, Carl knew that he would need to address multiple aspects of his life in order to heal. With this knowledge, as well as a lot of prayer and meditation, Carl decided to use a natural, holistic approach to try and reverse his cancer rather than extending his life by a mere six months with chemotherapy and surgery. His logic was that he wasn’t feeling bad when he was diagnosed, so if he was going to die, he certainly didn’t want to be debilitated by chemotherapy during his final six months of life.

Carl spent over two years working with an alternative medicine practitioner to fully heal his body and has remained cancer-free ever since, living healthily for another 44 years to date. His cure consisted of a combination of nutrition, exercise and mental / spiritual interventions.

» NutritionCarl switched to a vegan diet consisting of 75% (mostly raw) vegetables and fruits, nuts (except peanuts) and some grains. Some of the supplements he took was Laetrile (Vitamin B17) and apricot kernels, Zinc, Pancreatic enzymes, High dose Vitamin A.

» Exercise: Carl stresses the importance of regular exercise.

» MindsetCarl added his own regimen of mental and spiritual interventions, which he says were just as important for his lung cancer recovery as the dietary changes and supplements prescribed by his alternative doctor.

» Positivity: Carl worked hard to not only change all his negative thoughts to positive ones, but also to make others around him more positive so they wouldn’t influence him negatively.

» Faith: Carl has a very strong faith in God.

» Purpose / Helping Others: Since Carl’s alternative cancer treatments caused no pain or side effects, he continued teaching as a university faculty member, working with students, writing and doing research. This kept him very busy, and he had little time to wallow in his disease.

» Emotional Support: While initially Carl’s family, friends and colleagues expressed doubt about his decision to forego surgery and chemotherapy, they did provide him with emotional support during and after his two-years of recovery.

» Meditation: Carl mediated daily during his cancer recovery and still meditates to this day.

» Visualization: Visualizing himself being well and healthy had profound effects on Carl’s mind-body connection and also aided in improving his immune function.

In order to help others, Carl established The Carl O. Helvie Holistic Cancer Foundation to educate people on alternative cancer treatments.
Read a full story here.
Carl can be contacted here

Holistic medicine says nutrition, exercise and mindset are three pillars of healthy living. If you are familiar with regenerative detoxification, you probably understand that this concept is not necessarily a whole picture. It’s always worth emphasizing that the cause of any disease is congested elimination system which results in cellular constipation with acids, toxins, pus and mucous. Proper foods, exercise are tools helping reverse this obstructions.

Nutrition: Humans should eat foods dedicated to human species: fruits, berries, melons. Some raw vegetables (especially leafy). A bit of nuts (raw only) and seeds. Those foods will help your body unblock elimination organs, hydrate lymph system, nourish and energize cells.
All processed and animal-based foods; dairy, eggs, meat, breads, coffee, alcohol, sweets, synthetics are clogging lymph system and cells, are acid and mucus forming, putrefying, rotting when processed in our GI tract.
Supplementation is not what we advocate. Isolated vitamins and minerals will not improve much but might cause many more imbalances – and acids.

Exercise: Intensity of exercise should be adjusted depending on the state of lymphatic system. If kidneys are not filtering lymph, only gentle yoga (hatha), walking, swimming, cycling is recommended. Muscle movement is moving lymph and creating more acids. We don’t want to move to much acidic waste when lymph system is congested and kidneys are not filtering yet.
Nevertheless gentle exercising should never be omitted from the healing protocol. Start gently and observe how you feel after exercising.

Mindset: Despite being in fear, pain and weak, always try to think positively. Quantum physics has confirmed what Eastern civilizations were practicing for millennia – emotions are an energy emitted to the universe. This energies will return to the emitter in the form of events that create more of the same emotions. Visualize your healthy life, meditate, surround yourself with positive thinking people, have strong believe in your condition reversal.

LUMA Healing Protocol is all about those aspects of natural healing. We will educate, encourage and give all support you need on your quest to get healthy again. Hopefully, Carl O. Helvie’s story convinced you that cancer (and 99% of other diseases) can be healed naturally.